Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Just Funded! Kickstarter Make-100 2025, “Drawn From Nature - Lotus”

WOW! I cannot believe my second Kickstarter Make 100 campaign just got funded, in half a day. Your support is proof that I am moving in the right direction with my art and nature passion. Five originals are gone. Grab your favorite! 

Kickstarter Make 100 Campaign Page:


Or just go to the Kickstarter page and search for “drawn from nature lotus”

Always a pleasure to get your support,



Launched: Make100: Drawn From Nature - Lotus


Hello Everyone,

My second Kickstarter Make 100 campaign just launched.

Kickstarter Make 100 Campaign Page:


Or just go to the Kickstarter page and search for “drawn from nature lotus”

Always a pleasure to get your support,
