Hello friends,
I’m very excited about the next chapter of my Kickstarter Drawn From Nature project, Lotus, coming soon in January 2025 during the Make 100 campaign. This project has become very near and dear to my heart. I enjoy sifting through all the nature photos I’ve taken over the years and selecting my favorite to draw. My hand still shake a bit during the inking process but I’m starting to get better at it. And I’m starting to get used to drawing with a camera mounted over my head to record. I hope you will join me in January for the launch.
If you would like to be notified when the project is launched, go to the pre-launch link and select the “Notify me on launch” button.
Stay tuned on my various social media platforms (YouTube, Patreon, Blogger, Instagram and Facebook) to get more updates on the project.
Thank you