Friday, January 27, 2023

Art Inspiration Through My Art Collection

Hello. Happy New Year to all of you and also Happy Luna New Year. I want to start this year with something a bit more personal and continue throughout the year with sharing more of my perspective about art and art creation through my art journey.

Patreon Article and Video about my Art Collection

Photos and videos in this article are taken of artwork I own, or had permission to take photos. Please do not share individual images and videos outside of this article. 

Here are Instagram handles to the artists I mentioned or shown images of in the video that I’m able to find. From their Instagram profiles, you can link to their websites or other social media and shops.

I unfortunately do not have info for the artist I met in Amsterdam.

Sean A, Murray IG: @seanandrewmurray

Stephanie Law IG: @spmlaw

Allen Williams IG: @i_justdraw

Ania Mohrbacher IG: @aniamohrbacher

Nigel Cox IG: @nigelcox1

Dan May IG: @danmayart

Elisa Urbinati IG: @elisa_urbinati_illu

Nen Chang IG: @retromortis

Stella Im Hultberg IG: @stellaimhultberg

Iotu Ciprian IG:  @iotuciprian