Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Inktober 2018

I almost forgot to talk about my Inktober this year.  For those who do not know what Inktober is, it is one of the many art challenges that artists use to improve their skills or just have fun with making art. This year  I decided to do small pieces for my Inktober.  I find that when I draw, even with a pen, I tend to completely fill the page instead of doing line drawings with ink pen.  So I ended up taking more time with my ink drawings because I cannot fight the urge to fill in between the lines.  I am giving in to my artistic urges.  I start by cutting 9x12 sheets of paper into 4x4.5 pieces.  For personal esthetic reasons, I add a circle to the cut paper.  My Inktober drawings then go within this circle and I can fill in all I want.  Each piece still takes me somewhere between 2 to 4 hours to complete.  This year I was able to complete 13 Inktober pieces.  Here is a video of my Inktober drawings.